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We are a nonprofit, volunteer parent/teacher organization whose membership is open to all parents and legal guardians, as well as teachers at Florida Avenue Elementary School. The PTA’s mission is to promote open and positive communication and understanding between parents and support staff of Florida Avenue Elementary School.
It is our belief that a team effort of an organization like the FAE-PTA offers the best possible learning environment for our children.
Once you have selected your membership type, please proceed to the Membership form to complete your registration. Your membership is not considered "active" until both steps are completed.
We would love for you to join our Tiger family!
We are proud to say that we have partnered with several groups, businesses, and individuals throughout the community to make this year one of the best yet! We have a number of upcoming family fundraiser dinner nights as well as fun events for the kids at the school - including the revival of the Tiger Store and Santa Shop!
There are many ways that you, as a member, can volunteer throughout the year, both in fundraising and in dedicating your time to our various events.
Enter your email to join! Information for teachers and support staff will be sent to you.